The products of this expansion will begin to be released on January 20, 2023. This expansion will include the Vstar Universe cards
Crown Zenith will feature:
- More than 160 letters
- 3 new Pokémon Radiant; Radiant Charizard, Radiant Charjabug and Radiant Eternatus
- 5 Pokémon VMAX
- 8 Pokémon VSTAR
- 17 Pokémon V
- 70 cards with special artwork in the new Galar Gallery
Leaked Letters:
Product List:
Crown Zenith envelopes
Zenith Crown Envelope Contents:
- 10 cards from the Corona Zenith collection
- A Rare or Holographic Card
- A Code Letter
- A Letter of Energy
✅ Buy Corona Zenith Envelopes HERE
Crown Zenith Elite Trainer Box
Approximate departure date January 17
Contents Mini Corona Zenith cans:
- 10 Crown Zenith Envelopes
- Promotional Letter
- Crown Zenith Cases Lot
- Acrylic Burn and Poison Markers
- VASTRO Marker
- Instruction Manual
- A code for TCG Online or Pokémon Live
Price of Mini Corona Zenith cans :
- Live Opening: €44.95 ✔
- Keep Sealed: €49.95 ✔
✅ Buy Corona Zenith Elite Trainer Box HERE
Crown Zenith Regidrago V Box
Approximate departure date: January 20th.
- 4 Crown Zenith Sachets
- A Jumbo Letter
- A Promotion Letter from Regiedrago
- A Holo Card
- A TCG Online or Pokemon Live Code
Corona Zenith Regidrago V Box Price:
- Live Opening: €25.95 ✔
- Keep Sealed: €29.95 ✔
✅ Buy the Box HERE Regidrago V by Corona Zenith
Crown Zenith Regieleki V Box
Approximate departure date: January 20th.
- 4 Crown Zenith Sachets
- A Jumbo Letter
- A Regieleki Promo Card
- A Holo Card
- A TCG Online or Pokemon Live Code
Corona Zenith Regieleki V Box Price:
- Live Opening: €25.95 ✔
- Keep Sealed: €29.95 ✔
✅ Buy the Regieleki V Box HERE by Corona Zenith
Crown Zenith Zamazenta Premium Figure Box
Approximate departure date: January 20th.
- 11 Crown Zenith Envelopes
- A Zamazenta V Shiny Promo Letter
- A Zacian V Shiny Figure
- A Shiny Zacian Pin
- A TCG Online or Pokemon Live Code
✅ Buy HERE the Corona Zenith Zamazenta Figure Box
Crown Zenith Zacian Premium Figure Box
Approximate departure date: January 20th.
- 11 Crown Zenith Envelopes
- A Shiny Zacian V Promo Card
- A Zacian V Shiny Figure
- A Shiny Zacian Pin
- A TCG Online or Pokemon Live Code
✅ Buy the Zacian Figure Box HERE by Corona Zenith
V-Union Crown Zenith Case
Approximate departure date: January 20th.
- 4 Crown Zenith Sachets
- A Jumbo Letter
- 4 Cards V Union
✅ Buy the Corona Zenith Morpeko Box HERE
Crown Zenith Pin Collection
Approximate departure date: January 20th.
- 3 Crown Zenith Sachets
- A Rillaboom, Cinderace or Inteleon Pin
Zenith Crown Pin Collection Price:
- Live Opening: €16.95 ✔
- Keep Sealed: €19.95 ✔
✅ Buy the Zenith Crown Pin Boxes HERE
Mini Crown Zenith Cans
Approximate departure date January 20
Contents Mini Corona Zenith cans:
- 2 envelopes
- A sheet of stickers
Corona Zenith Mini Cans Price :
- Live Opening: €11.95 ✔
- Keep Sealed: €13.95 ✔
A qué se refiere lo de abrir en directo y lo de las cajas selladas??
- Ana Feb 18, 2023