![Scarlet and Purple - Fates of Paldea](https://assets.pokemon.com/assets/cms2-es-es/img/trading-card-game/series/sv_series/sv045/sv045_logo_169_es.png)
Shiny Pokémon shine again as protagonists with their long-awaited return
January 26, 2024 arrives Paldea Fates PAF with more than 240 Cards (Not counting the secret ones) will arrive the fifth expansion of Scarlet and Purple Paldea Fates, this set will feature Tinkaton , Ceruledge, Dondozo and Charizard ex.
Scarlet and Purple Envelopes Paldea's Fates
Revealed Cards
Confirmed Products
Elite Trainer Box
Mimikyu Promo Card
Blisters Paldea Fates