Prepare for a timeless battle between wild beasts and cybernetic apparitions!
On March 22, 2024, the new expansion of Scarlet and Purple Temporal Forces arrives with more than 160 cards . The fifth expansion of Scarlet and Purple Temporal Forces will arrive . This set will feature Flamariete, Electrofury, Ferromole and Ferrotesta.
First appearing in Black & White, ACE TACTICAL cards are returning to the Pokémon TCG in Scarlet & Purple—Time Forces. ACE TACTICAL cards have powerful effects, but each deck can only contain one of them. They also feature an attractive new magenta design and can appear as Trainer cards or Special Energy cards.
These are some of the most notable cards from this expansion:
- 7 Trainer and Special Energy cards TACTICAL ACE
- 13 ex Pokémon and 2 ex Teracrystal Pokémon
- 22 Pokémon of Rare rarity Illustration
- 10 Pokémon and Supporter cards of Rare rarity Special Illustration
- 6 Hyper Rare rarity cards gold-plated and embossed